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Iraj Food And Beverages Pvt Ltd

Iraj Food And Beverages Pvt. Ltd. is one of the Exclusive manufacturers of Arjuna extract instant tea and coffee premixes. Focused in solving the shelf life of premixes of beverages and keeping the natural taste intact without using preservatives and keeping the organic touch in every cup we serve.


Indulge in the pure taste of nature with our organic and Natural Tea and Coffee premixes, crafted with experienced and tasteful brewers of India”


With this motto we aim to be the leading manufacturers of Organic tea and coffee premixes in the country. Also plans to go global in the upcoming years.


We started this journey in 2021 seeing a gap in the premix beverage sector not having enough varieties or say flavors of tea and coffee which are organic and have a longer shelf life, as a result of 2 years of hardship research and experiments we were able to craft a mixture where all ingredients are organic and natural also has a longer shelf life. After creating a flavorful and tasteful product, we started retailing it in our own network of cafes and hotels, to see the feedback on the taste and quality of the product and based on the results we came up with the range of different flavors of Tea and coffee premixes and incorporated our company in 2023 with the goal to be the major player in the sector.


We also have all the required licenses and certificates to operate. Also, we are awarded with various ISO certifications in the industry-


  • ISO 9001:2015- Quality Management System

  • ISO 45001:2018- Occupational Health & Safety Management System

  • ISO 14001:2015- Environmental Management System

  • ISO 22000- Food Management System

  • ISO 10500:2012- 19 Parameters Industrial Water Tested



Requirements to Become Our Distributors


  • We prefer distributors who have optimum setup of FMCG Retail Market like, storages and basic logistics to supply in the area.

  • We believe in Quality over quantity, so there are enough number of distributors who can propel our growth and together we can flourish in the market.

  • Distributor fees start from 5 lakhs with annual renewal of contract and agreed margins of up to 40% and support in marketing and sales.

  • We expect an annual sale of 25-35 lakhs per distributors in the initial years and YOY growth of 25% is expected from our partners in the long run. Where the achievements and accomplishments by our partners will also be rewarded monetarily and recognition.



Perks the Distributors Will Get


  • Min 5 lac – 6 lac Rupees as distributor fees with 50% coverage in product supply and with after sales support.

  • Gross margin varies on the basis of volume of sale and support rendered; it may be up to 40%.

  • We provide you a great opportunity to be associated with one of India’s Exclusive beverage premixes manufacturers who has a product line full of organic and natural based, keeping a great taste and long shelf life. Also, we support our distributors with extensive marketing and advertising campaigns across the year. With full support on logistics and supply chain. And as Cherry on cake, we have a lucrative commission and margin plans to boost you financially as well.

  • We have an extensive support system for our distributors with training, advertising, marketing and time to time campaigns and schemes to grow.



Product Portfolio


  • Arjun Lemon Tea

  • Black Tea

  • Coffee – Robusta, Arabica

  • Elaichi /Cardamom Tea

  • Ginger Tea

  • Herbal Tea

  • Lemon Masala

  • Lemon Masala Tea

  • Milk Tea



USP’s of the Products


  • Pure and Natural

  • Preservatives Free

  • meticulously curated with the finest ingredients to ensure a consistently flavorful and invigorating beverage every time


Company USP’s


  • Highest Grade Quality, Organic and Natural taste, Affordable Price and longer shelf life.

  • Currently looking to expand our network of retailers through Distributors in various locations and after achieving the targets locally we plan to go global by 2026.